Wittenberg Innovation Network (WIN) Foundation

Supporting the WIN Foundation
On a national basis, the largest amount of money donated to colleges and universities comes from foundations (including family foundations and trusts) and corporations – three times the amount donated by individual alumni. Additionally, non-alumni donations were nearly as large as alumni donations to colleges and universities in 2023.
The WIN Foundation is the charitable vehicle to consider if you care about the future of small liberal arts institutions in America, if you care about the future of Wittenberg, or if you care about supporting critical Clark County economic infrastructure and tradition.
Below are some of the reasons that might influence your decision to provide financial support to the WIN Foundation.

Desperate Times Need Innovation
According to the Wall Street Journal, over 500 private 4-year colleges have closed their doors in the past ten years. Financial and market pressures are continuing to affect institutions across the nation, and many colleges are struggling to establish a niche where they can survive and grow. The WIN Foundation is a one-of-a-kind experiment to demonstrate how innovation can be brought to higher education to find these niches and restore an institution to stability. Success of the WIN Foundation can provide a model that can be embraced by the broader liberal arts college community.
Project-based Initiatives
Donations to the general operations are distributed across all WIN Foundation project initiatives, however, donors can request that donations be applied to specific projects. Donors receive receive progress reports from our Project Monitors who oversee those projects, as well as broader reports from the Foundation's Board of Directors.


Transparency and Accountability
The WIN Foundation was created to establish a high watermark for transparency and accountability. Donors are provided insight into the Foundation's budgeting, planning, and execution of projects - including copies of minutes of Board of Directors meetings. Donors also have an open channel of communication to members of the WIN Foundation Board, as well as Committee Chairs who are responsible foe project development and execution.
Saving a Springfield Institution
Individuals and institutions are looking for ways to make a difference in the recovery of Wittenberg, and the WIN Foundation represents the state-of-the-art in harnessing the power of an institution's alumni to develop and execute innovative solutions. Wittenberg's future is tied to creating distinctive program offerings that attract students, faculty, and staff. Failure to create this level of success puts one of Springfield's oldest institutions at risk, as well as the potential loss of a top-20 employer.